Friday, March 6, 2009

Indiscriminate Optimism

Gather the troops of your mind.
We are on patrol tonight!

There is new territory to be forged, men.
They are calling on us again.
We cannot stay here.

I know it's early,
the sun's barely up.
These times of days can
really bring out the bitterness,
the senselessness,
the brutality of it all.

But don't let that deter you.
You have everything
you need.

Ahead are the measurements,
the tools and rulers!
Ahead are your stones and sticks,
Your bones and muscles,
Your wit and size
Your skin and eyes!
Everything you need.

You know just as I know,
the dark battled blanket of earth
that bears on us ahead.
Give it no breadth
Give it berth.

Blood and guts.
Mud and rusty guns.
Other people's armies.
Slivers and cracks of light.

Peer through the prism.
I am with you there.
Open your eyes.
Gather your weaponsm, mes freres,
And keep to indiscriminate optimism!

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