Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I am like a fish
hatched dry into a bird's nest
flopping to my death.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Galore Galore Galore

What are you in waiting
but a bag of bones, impatient
with the lack of care and driven
to another state to live in?

Loneliness it comes
and the driver's never numb
to the void that occupies unbuckled seats
or heavy horns in trafficked streets.

Nostalgia is the freshest scent
from windows cherries come and went.
Ripe or rotted not the same,
the former joy and latter pain.

But great times they do await
(or should I say a place?)
where bags of bones are cherished
and the cherries -- they will never perish.

Hear me out, hear me out.
The shackles are undone!
Come—I’ll tell you all about
the time, the place, the fun!

Although the road is not cement,
the car not made of metal,
it's a place in Mind you never went;
I promise that you'll settle.

Despite my patience golden plated
How I’ve waited waited waited...
You came at last, at last you've come!
A drink, say you, some juice or rum?

It's paradise! Is it not?
Now go tell all your kids
that here on Earth is all we've got,
and Higher Ups cannot forbid

the smells of grass. Smell again,
the fragrance always lasts.
Already you've forgot your sin--
the power of the blanket grass!

Have some more. Have another.
Three and four and five or more!
Tell your friends and mother's brothers
"Galore galore galore!"